Mutual causation of paradigms, strategies, classes and methods of social-psychological influence


  • Oksana Furman Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Social Work, Director of the Research Institute of Methodology and Education of the Ternopil National Economic University, Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal Psychology and Society, Ternopil.



strategies, paradigms, social-psychological influence, classes of influence


The article analyzes well-known paradigms (reactive, active, and dialogical) and strategies (imperative, manipulative, developmental) of social-psychological influence that are available in psychological science. It is also emphasized that another paradigm has emerged in the field of theoretical psychology – vita-cultural, to which the modular-developmental strategy of influence corresponds. It is described that the category of psychological influence is an extremely important intellectual construct of applied methodology, because it combines specification of theoretical and practical branches of psychology. It is argued that the phenomenal actualization of influence provides the regulation of various functional integrities and states in the sphere of joint psychic life of people and aims at various aspects dimensions of the subjective self-realization and self-creation of a person. It is characterized that the theoretical-methodological basis of the classes of socio-psychological influence offered by us in 2003 – cognitive-subjective influence, normative-personal mutual influence, value-individual self-influence, spiritual-universum self-formation – constitutes a system-thought-active methodology of G. P. Shchedrovitsky. These classes function in the modular-developmental system of A.V. Furman and gradually contribute to the formation of participants in the educational process as subjects of educational behavior, personalities of educational activity, individuals of educational deed, universum of spiritual self-creation. It is shown that this is fully achieved, since each class contains complementarity of both indirect (parameters, properties, principles, processes), direct (mechanisms, means, methods) influences, and quaternary set of methods of influence (rational belief, the norm imitation, moral and spontaneous-meaningful choices). It is proved that cognitive-subjective influence is subordinated to the system of “needs – setting – behavior”, normative-personal mutual influence – “norms – activity – personality”, value-individual self-influence – “values – action deeds – individuality”, spiritual-universum self-formation – “spontaneity – comprehension – the universum”. Due to the action of established classes, one or another image of subjective reality (subject, personality, individuality, universum) is alternately actualized.


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How to Cite

Furman, Oksana. “Mutual Causation of Paradigms, Strategies, Classes and Methods of Social-Psychological Influence”. Psyhology & Society, vol. 76, no. 2, Aug. 2019, pp. 44-65,