Theoretical model of personal perception of human by human


  • Anatoliy V. Furman Anatoliy V. Furman – doctor of psychological sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, head of the psychology and social work department of Ternopil National Economic University, head of PO “Intellectual Headquarters of Civil Society”, co-chair of the Regional Branch of the Sociological Association of Ukraine, member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, Colonel-General of Ukrainian and foreign Cossacks, editor of the Psychology and Society journal, Ternopil ResearcherID: G-4932-2017



person, personality, inner acceptance, psychic image, decision making, perception, social perception


The methodological study is devoted to the justification of the cyclical-action strategy and adequate intellectual means of psychological cognition of the personal acceptance of the person by the person as super-complex, substantially rooted and phenomenally numerous, developmentally and functionally dynamic meta-process of the presence in the psycho-spiritual world of the one who is self-analysing this acceptance. The first stage of the research attempt was to create a reliable theoretical platform for building an ideal structural and functional model of personal acceptance as a complete spiral of committing an individual by performing a comparative analysis, on the one hand, the stages of the development of perception as a cognitive process (in particular, categorization and cognition) events, on the other hand, the stages of acceptance as aspects of communication-exchange and at the same time as a multifunctional personal process-micro-stage of ontogeny that were studied by scientists in different recursion theoretical psychological knowledge. The unifying paradigm link and the universal tool for methodologizing this comparative analysis was the logical and structural scheme of actions made by V. Romenet’s, according to which the component cyclic unfolding of mental processes is in the cognitive work of the researcher; a psychological canon, to which tendency moves and under which phenomenology and perception and acceptance are carried out. Therefore, in addition to the regular isolation of situational, motivational, active and post-action periods and their main mechanisms of facilitation (perceptual presence, cognitive presence, thought-study penetration, reflexive absorption), in the multifaceted realization of the personal acceptance inner act, it was given a more detailed, personal and compatible with their existential existence of dominant components (recognition, characterization, interest, intentions), tweaking, deliberation, reflexion, appreciation) and subprocesses (naming, categorization, definition, cognition, comprehension, implementation, conceptualization, living). As a result, the newly created theoretical model, covering two stages – recognition and enrichment, four periods and their basic mechanisms, eight stages and their most necessary mental reconciliation and organization, characterizes the personal acceptance of a person by a person, which is a) virtually complete self-act; b) phenomenally elevates such an act to the level of the psychological canon; c) existentially counts down from the first meeting of a person with a person as a clash of their worlds, consciousnesses and destinies in the situational current of everyday life; d) dialectically unfolds as a complicated process in the framework of the ontogeny of the individual and with a tendency to change the meaning-sense format of the original life of consciousness of both contacts; e) the event ends as a reflexive absorption of the consciousness of another, fragmentarily providing optimization of personal development and cyclic-semantic enrichment of the internal conditions of functioning of the conscious ability of the human-contributor. Therefore, the unprecedented complexity of personal acceptance of such a figure is caused not only by the limited spectrum of phenomenal receptions of interpersonal contact and the presence of hidden belts and links of psycho-spiritual mediation in the general dynamics of its internal development, but also by the fact that the said process unfolds in the life of a particular agent of a social act by a double interpenetrating channel or direction – naturally ontogenetic, that is, as a value-meaning provision of personality, and at the same time unnaturally conscious, that is, as a complement and complication of the living conditions of the conscious flow of a person’s ability to be subjectively present in the world as an inspired personality and universe. Considering this complexity, which is difficult to convey by conventional psychological semantics and the author’s thesaurus and graphic modeling, at the end of the study, figurative analogies and a more metaphorical language for describing the patterns of developmental progress of the psycho-spiritual megamechanism are argued. In particular, the complete complex mechanics of three well-known devices – synthesizer, synchronizer, collider - is projected on the wistful architectonics of the cyclical-factual spiral of personal acceptance, resulting in a depiction of the work-activity of this acceptance as a subjective synthesizer, internally, and internal synthesizer.


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How to Cite

Furman, Anatoliy V. “Theoretical Model of Personal Perception of Human by Human”. Psyhology & Society, no. 1, May 2020, pp. 56-77,

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