Psychological analysis and systematics of educational interaction styles


  • Andriy Hirniak Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Social Work of Ternopil National Economic University, Deputy Chairman of the Civil Society Intelligence Headquarters, permanent author of the journal Psychology and Society, Ternopil. ORCID: 0000-0003-3854-4866 ResearcherID: I-8130-2017



educational interaction, dialogue, style of activity, facilitation, moderation, inhibition, modular-developing organizational cycle


The article covers the author’s typology of educational interaction styles, which demarcates and systematizes their 15 main varieties (democratic, liberal, authoritarian, facilitative, moderative, inhibitive; dialogic, polylogical, monologic, consensual, indifferent, conflictual, parity, altruistic, selfish) and structurizes well-known teacher behavior patterns substantiated by M. Talen. It has also been proved that the most effective structural-functional model of the interaction of participants of the educational process will be the one that will cover variable alternation of different styles of educational interaction. In view of this, a psychologically substantiated algorithm for applying these styles at different stages of the integral modular-developing organizational cycle of innovative learning (according to the A.V. Furman concept) was proposed: “facilitative – inhibitive – moderative – facilitative – inhibitive – facilitative – moderative – inhibitive – moderative”. Such succession that psychologically corresponds to the general characteristics and the essential content of each of the nine stages of a holistic modular-developing organizational cycle, maximizes the establishment of developmental inter-subjective interaction of the successors in a fully-fledged, scientifically designed and psycho-artistically embodied, action process (the situation, motivation, action, after-action) with the help of forms, methods, means and tools of the group, ideally – parity, educational activity.


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How to Cite

Hirniak, Andriy. “Psychological Analysis and Systematics of Educational Interaction Styles”. Psyhology & Society, no. 1-2, Mar. 2019, pp. 118-26,