Subject field of psycho-culture: the rational reconstruction of theoretical ideas
rational reconstruction of science, research program, cultural psychology, psychological culture, psycho-culture, mentality, societal psyche, vita-cultural paradigm, professional methodologizationAbstract
The article presents a research of the problem of interaction of mind and culture as a “unique self-developing systems”. For the sake of a better understanding of peculiarities of becoming of concept-notion of psycho-culture is implemented an attempt to build a rational reconstruction of theoretical ideas about given phenomenon as a highly complex sphere of social reality in the context of vita-cultural paradigm (by the concept of A.V. Furman). Based on the proposed thought-scheme is disclosed and substantiated the succession of motion-development of the category “psycho-culture”: from cultural and cross-cultural psychology (thesis) to the psychological culture (antithesis) that is logically integrated as a result of synthesis into a life of psycho-culture. It is claimed that “psycho-culture” and “psychological culture” unreasonably are singled out by researches as interchangeable categorical concepts and identified with pedagogical competence and professional perfecting of the personality. In the framework of indicated problem the most methodologically mature arises philosophical-psychological concept of A. V. Furman, in which he considers psycho-culture as certain historically conditioned, dynamic, program-spiritual setting of a large or localized society in one or another way of their life activity (in the forms of behavior, activity, communication, commitment), which ensures the survival, reproduction and renewal psychosocial vitality of separate communities and groups very first ideas, settings, values, ideas, norms and models of people’s action, national mentality and societal psyche in general. As a result of critical-constructive rethinking of the relationship of psyche and culture from the standpoint of a professional methodologization had built model-configurator of cognition the psycho-culture that structurally reflects objectively existing relationships between fundamental concepts.
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