Module-developmental org-space of methodologization: arguments of expansion
methodologist, thinking, thought-activity, methodologization, system-thought-action methodology, org-space, methodological thinking, schematizationAbstract
Methodological research carry out reflexive reconstruction of the problem field of two invariant ways to create multiparameter and multifunctional, situationally tense and communicatively developmental time-space (environment) – mastered in system thought action methodology innovative, constructed in the author’s scientific school. In the last case propaedeutical experience of conducting action-methodological sessions showed that the organization of such space enables problem-multi-thinking reasoning and subjectively involves in its synergistic dynamics all participants, causing in them clear thinking as the core of methodological thinking with the exit on schematization, realized in the context of topologically expanded logic of reflection. The novelty of the acquired theoretical content focuses on updated (second version) scheme-matrix of module-developmental org-space of professional methodologization that embraces one hundred functional seats in four dimensions-coordinates: zones of thought-action, crosscutting processes of thought activity, periods of methodologization and time duration of the methodological session. In the result was received not only five methodological modules, that clearly mapping by one principle, however different by content, means and functional filling of methodological work, and probably as much tables-maps of purposeful action by action staging the scene as a step by step understanding of participants of inter positional conflict communication and an actualization increasing of life intellectual-volitional existance of their group methodological thinking with its distinctive set of ideas, concepts, principles, approaches, models, methods, means and tools of thinking. For the sake of confirming heuristic of proposed author’s scheme-matrix highlighted in detail eight arguments-evidences concerning appropriateness, and most importantly a real opportunity, enrichment in such way implemented action-reflexive constructioning of the structure, content, placement of locations and functional relationships between the logic of creation the module-developmental org-space of competent methodlogization.
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