Optimization of psychologists’ professional responsibility formation





responsibility, psychologists, personality


The article substantiates the formulation of recommendations for optimizing the development of professional responsibility among modern university’s students-psychologists; it is highlighted that the essence of optimization is to choose the best option or method of action-deed out of a set of possible directions or versions from the standpoint of the best circumstances and the least used resources, the time spent and the efforts made; basic principles and rules for strengthening the components of the future psychologists’ professional responsibility are proposed; it has been analyzed the signs-characteristics of irresponsible behavior in order for each of them not to get into the nets of personal degradation; psychological steps that the successor must take in order to cultivate responsibility as a personal trait-quality are outlined; an ethical alphabet of professional responsibility is suggested, which includes prescriptions, recommendations, according to which a person can act as a specialist in his business; it is described that the psychologist’s professional responsibility is his basic (fundamental) socio-psychological property or characteristic as a competent specialist, which is produced (formed) by him during professional activity.

Author Biography

  • Arsen Lypka

    Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, lecturer at the Psychology and Social Work Department of West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil.


    ORCID: 0000-0002-1981-4675


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How to Cite

Lypka, Arsen. “Optimization of psychologists’ Professional Responsibility Formation”. Psyhology & Society, vol. 90, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 201-1, https://doi.org/10.35774/pis2024.02.201.