Art-methods in psychosocial rehabilitation: resources and opportunities




The article highlights the prerequisites, methods and means of creating a psychotechnology for the rehabilitation of certain segments of the population with its full social content and personal effectiveness, in which reflective thinking, existential freedom, professional competence and humane orientation of the specialist’s personality are important. The purpose of the study is to highlight the heuristic resource potential of the art therapeutic method and its corresponding work techniques in the implementation of psychosocial rehabilitation of individuals aimed at restoring their psycho-spiritual capabilities and social and role functions. The object of study is psychosocial rehabilitation in the complementarity of methods, tools, techniques and procedures for effective psychological work of a socio-humanitarian specialist with a traumatized client and methods, tools, techniques and acts of correct social influence on his or her personality for psychological and functional recovery as a citizen. The subject of the study is the rehabilitation technology of art therapy, gradually implemented and funded, enriched with psycho-spiritual resources and social capabilities of both participants, joint activity – a psychologist or social worker and the personality of a client who has suffered a certain hellish loss, is in a psycho-traumatic state and needs existential and purely human help for psychosocial recovery and personal recovery. In particular, psychosocial rehabilitation is interpreted as a complex multi-stream process aimed at restoring or improving the social functioning and mental health of persons with mental disorders, psychological trauma, or in difficult life situations. It is noted that the expediency of using the art therapy method as a form of psychological rehabilitation, which practices art as a means of expressing emotions, self-knowledge and improving mental health, is emphasized. Art therapy involves the use of various types of artistic creativity, namely drawing, painting, modeling, collage, photography and other artistic forms to help people express their inner feelings, accentuated psycho-mental states and poorly regulated mental tendencies.

Author Biography

  • Alla Senyk

    Alla Senyk – Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Psychology and Social Work Department, Head of the General Department of West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil.

    ORCID: 0000-0002-6217-7464


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How to Cite

Senyk, Alla. “Art-Methods in Psychosocial Rehabilitation: Resources and Opportunities”. Psyhology & Society, vol. 89, no. 1, July 2024, pp. 203-8,