Methodological approaches to the essential cognition of tolerance within psychosocial theorizing


  • Anatoliy V. Furman Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, Head of the Department of Psychology and Social Work of Ternopil National Economic University, Chairman of the NGO "Intellectual Headquarters of Civil Society", Co-Chair of the Regional Branch of the Sociological Association of Ukraine, Member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine Colonel-General of the Cossacks, editor-in-chief of the journal Psychology and Society, Ternopil.
  • Olha Shayuk Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Social Work of Ternopil National Economic University, Ternopil.



tolerance, genesis of tolerance, professional methodologization, methodological approaches, sociogenesis, pseudotolerance


The peculiarity of this research, as any consciously carried out one on the goals, principles, methods and procedures of methodological search, is a detailed study of the form organizations and the means of effective cognition of the most complex, in our case psychosocial, objects with their diverse specificity and developmentally open everyday life. Undoubtedly, such extremely complex objects of cognition-design include human tolerance as an ontological psychic and, at the same time, a psychosocial phenomenon. In this case, the research optics of the post-nonclassical style of rational theorizing is aimed at methodological approaches to the essential cognition of tolerance in the format of their social and psychological causes, where the main tools of professional methodologization are appropriate analysis, reflection, understanding and the procedure of semantic specification of tolerant enrichment of person’s everyday life flow in the context of his continuous interaction with others. As a result of such intellectual work within psychosocial direction of finding out the phenomenological picture of tolerance, the theoretical substantiation and logic-content filling were given five methodological approaches – sociogenetic, conflict, xenological, information-communicative and personal. Each of them is a specific interpretive invariant of the epistemologically-weighted decoding of the meaning-semantic tissue of tolerance as a stage-by-stage deployed psychosociality, is being self-organized as an important vita-cultural form of conscious presence of joint life in a globalized society and, at the same time, in active dimension of social everyday life, is being approved as socio-cultural norm, also is being characterized by tolerant attitude to other, another or alternative and, as a consequence, optimize the results of collaboration and human communication. And therefore in the realities of today, appears as a framework condition for availability of solidarity processes, established and new forms of productive communicative interaction. In a personal dimension, it ontogenetically emerges as an integral trait-quality of the individual world of personality, which determines his active position in relationships with people regardless of their cultural, social and national identity and is expressed in a humane desire to reach mutual understanding, agreement of different motives, installations, orientations, without resorting to violence, oppression of human dignity and instead using the available humanitarian capabilities – dialogue, clarification, collaboration and mutual assistance.


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How to Cite

Furman, Anatoliy V., and Olha Shayuk. “Methodological Approaches to the Essential Cognition of Tolerance Within Psychosocial Theorizing”. Psyhology & Society, vol. 76, no. 2, Aug. 2019, pp. 5-26,