Psychological help for families in difficult life circumstances


  • Mykhailo Luchko Doctor of Economics, professor, head of the department of accounting in the state sector of economy and services of the National Economic University, certified auditor, president of the audit firm "Ter Audit", Ternopil. ORCID: 0000-0001-6499-4188 ResearcherID: H-3296-2017
  • Tetiana Nadvynychna Ph.D. in psychological sciences, an assistant professor, a head of the laboratory of the psychological service, an assistant professor of psychology and social work at the Ternopil National Economic University, a permanent author of the journal Psychology and Society, Ternopil. ORCID: 0000-0001-7286-2150 ResearcherID: G-5307-2017



family as a social institution and a small group, difficult life circumstances, marital and family relationships, psychological assistance, personal disadaptation, frustration, psychological literacy


The article outlines the basic provisions of psychological assistance to families who were in difficult life circumstances. It has been analyzed and proved that the main indicators determining the crisis situation of such families include the difficult financial situation, general social disadaptation, sharp conflict situations between spouses, misunderstandings between parents and children, moral and physical violence, irresponsible parenthood, various deviations, etc. However, these indicators are only a consequence of unresolved personal problems, ignorance and inability to solve difficult life tasks by married men and women. Accordingly, it is proposed to review the generally accepted model of work with such families, in particular, the component that concerns the provision of psychological services to its members. Therefore, various options for attracting a wide range of specialists are analyzed in detail, which are optimally capable of helping to resolve the existing range of problems of the specified social format. An important role of various non-governmental organizations and charitable foundations is emphasized, which provide not only an affordable financial and legal, but also socio-psychological assistance to families who are in difficult living conditions. The main focus of this is to increase the level of education and competence among the poor and socially vulnerable groups of the population. It is noted that a sufficient awareness of a citizen regarding certain psychic processes that accompany the processes of formation and development of personality can significantly reduce the risks of emergence various problems of individual and interpersonal nature and can prevent systemic maladaptation processes that affect all members of such a family, especially who is involved in the upbringing of young generation. On the basis of empirical data obtained during the implementation of the developed author’s program of psychological assistance to families whose members are experiencing life difficulties, the existence of the relationship between the levels of their psychological literacy with the corresponding levels of personal adaptation and anti-frustration is proved.


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How to Cite

Luchko, Mykhailo, and Tetiana Nadvynychna. “Psychological Help for Families in Difficult Life Circumstances”. Psyhology & Society, no. 3-4, Mar. 2019, pp. 224-33,