Emergency situation as a factor in the appearance of rumors: strokes to anomalies of power


  • Nataliya Potapchuk Candidate of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher, senior researcher of the research department of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Khmelnytsky




emergency situation, liquidation of consequences of emergencies, reaction to the emergencies, informational response to the emergencies


The article defines the content and scope of concepts such as “emergency”, “emergency response”, “ principles of emergency response planning”. It was clarified that for the coordination of work on liquidation of the consequences of an emergency according to the decision of the local executive body, special commissions on their elimination are created. However, one of the main problems in Ukraine today is the absence of prescribed procedures of information response to emergencies, which often leads to rumors, creates a favorable environment for the panic mood among the population. The research also carried out the essential characteristic of rumors as a psychosocial phenomenon, highlights the reasons and factors of their manifestations. It is proved that the executive authorities mostly resort to the following styles of reaction to the emergencies: conscious excitement of the situation, inaction or deed efforts with erroneous actions. The choice of a specific style of reaction to the emergencies leads to the appearance of various rumors (rumors of horror, aggressive rumors, etc.) and the spread of massive panic among the population.


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How to Cite

Potapchuk, Nataliya. “Emergency Situation As a Factor in the Appearance of Rumors: Strokes to Anomalies of Power”. Psyhology & Society, no. 4, Mar. 2019, pp. 87-93, https://doi.org/10.35774/pis2017.04.087.