Psychological cognition methodology of the meaning-life-sphere of personality


  • Anatolii A. Furman doctor of psychological sciences, docent, dean of the social and humanitarian faculty of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynskiy, a member of the editorial board and permanent author of the Psychology and Society journal, Odesa



personality, act, life path, methodology, methodologization


One of the main complex issues of philosophical and psychological discourse is the problem of finding by a person his life meaning and his existential purpose. This research analyzes peculiarities of the rise and interdependent functioning of the sense-life and meaning-being spheres of the individual in the everyday forms of expressions and in the context of ontophenomenal self-realization conditions. Theoretical and methodological levels substantiate the conceptual principles of the personality formation of the meaning-life orientation in the full realization of his potential, the holistic self-disclosure of all his existential manifestations in the time-space of everyday life. The essential separation of the concepts “sense” and “meaning” is carried out: the first one keeps strategic ways of human existence in his spiritual self-cultivation, and the second one is mediated by the sensuous, experienced perception of reality by a person, which is the basis for determining the tactical priorities of his life activity. The existing thesaurus of psychological science proves that the meaning sphere of being and the sense sphere of life in their combined synergistic combination are organized into the meaning-life sphere of the personality. If the meaning of being is transcendental in relation to human nature, then the sense of life is an immanent psycho-spiritual reality of the human phenomenon. Generally, senses reflect a higher level of satisfaction of individual needs, which are perceived by personality through emotion, acquire personal significance for her, while meanings regulate interests, knowledge, values, norms, moral precepts, cultural preferences, basic for individuals and communities. In the ideal world of human consciousness’ life, its senses and meanings are organized holistically, although they have different levels of acceptance in daily activities and are marked by different priority for personality, which is dictated by the environment of its direct existence, individual features and characteristics of psychospiritual development. At the same time, it is proved that the important here are the personally chosen principles of life path building, which are the result of conscious systematization by his the purposeful requests and spiritual impulses to his full self-realization. The emergence of the system of personal views and beliefs is carried out in the focus of purposeful implementation of a number of comprehended activities and is generalized primarily under the influence of the image / style of the person’s llife himself. The holistic worldview image of reality is revealed by its internal efforts in the dialectical unity of subject-object interaction as the most accessible form of materialization of the fundamental properties of being. The personal world from the standpoint of philosophical and psychological explanation is the first and foremost an original conceptual model of multidimensional reflection of the outside world and at the same time a phenomenal locus that unites the achieved and realized in the sociocultural space of individual human life realization. Reflective and methodological perspective of the consideration of personality in his self-positioning optimizes the definition of the specified subject field of scientific-psychological cognition specifies strategic and tactical approaches to the study of its value-semantic sphere, forms a starting position in the interpretation of the obtained results regarding the life horizon of his existential assertion as an individual and a universum. Vitacultural methodology and professional methodologization of Furman A.V. and his scientific school make it possible to optimize theoretical and applied searches in the psychosocial realm of social life, calibrate the essential and structural-functional content of a personal’s perception by scientist the world picture as a humanitarian result of human research-cognitive activity – psychological knowledge. Thought activity as an integrator of the conscious and practical serves  a synergistic combination of experience and knowledge in a holistic ontological picture of the world, and the categorical order allows reflexively mature thinking and organizes the ideal instrumental support for psychological cognition, primarily synthesizes intellectual constructs into the system of all-encompassing comprehension by the humanitarian researcher the life meaning dimensions of being. Therefore, methodologization in the field of scientific psychology is a synthetic way of carrying out reflective thought activity and at the same time a process-promotion of the researcher’s skillful application of complex set of approaches, paradigms, concepts, models, and most importantly - the means and tools of holistic cognition-construction of processes, phenomena and events of the totally present mental reality. The constitutive characteristic of a personality consciousness and the basic indicator of his meaning-life orientation is the awareness of life in the cyclic unity of the constituent, emotional and motivational, cognitive and behavioral components, which defines the peculiarities of the human attitude to the world and presents a peculiar plan-map of his subsequent actions and deeds. The research discloses the essence of professional thinking concept of the subject of psychological activity and methodological organization of cognition as a process of reliable reflection-creation of the scientific research work subject field. From the reflexive standpoints, the genesis of psychological thought on the emergence of a coherent theoretical picture of interdependent lines of self-realization of human is highlighted - the understanding of being and making sense of life in acts of methodologization as a thought activity practice – the effective use of methods, forms, means and tools of complex research of the life meaning sphere of personality. Finally, a structurally and functionally grounded, authorial categorical matrix of cognition of the named sphere is proposed,  which differentiates and harmonizes the optimal system of taxonomic categories as a means of enabling a holistic theoretical representation of this important layer of ontophenomenal human being and as an effective model for complementary metatheoretical and professional methodological tools, it plays the role of an idealized canonical model in a taxonomically organized network of categorical definitions in the world of science and culture.


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How to Cite

Furman, Anatolii A. “Psychological Cognition Methodology of the Meaning-Life-Sphere of Personality”. Psyhology & Society, no. 1, May 2020, pp. 5-34,