Intentionality as an essential feature of the personality’s meaning-life existence


  • Anatolii A. Furman doctor of psychological sciences, docent, dean of the social and humanitarian faculty of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynskiy, a member of the editorial board and permanent author of the Psychology and Society journal, Odesa



being, personality, assertiveness, well-being, intention, intentionality, self-actualization, consciousness, meaningful orientation of personality


The article is devoted to the problem of the study of intentionality as a basis for the formation of meaningful life-orientations, socio-cultural desires and aspirations of the person’s individual-spiritual growth. Intensity as a core feature of the human consciousness is directed at the objective foundations of being motivates the person to find and understand his own motives for activity and prerequisites for committing self-fulfillment in the existential space. Meaning-life orientation is a measure of personal development, which attests to the infinite horizons of possible full self-realization of the person, the organization and systematization of his directions is mediated by intentionality as an eddy attributive characteristic of the psyche. It directs and focuses his thoughts on certain facts of objective reality taking into account personal involvement in them, thus giving rise to his deep understanding and essential understanding in the dimensions of his own responsible life. In this way the personal level, style or way of life is reached, when a human consciously builds his daily life, guided by his own understanding of the desired and proper, determines the horizon of a holistic vision of the world, of himself in it, which is revealed through the comprehension of his life position, while at the same time mediating his spiritual and practical attitude to reality. Intentionality as a fundamental and at the same time dominant function of consciousness appears here as a formulation of the intellectual efforts and essential forces of human, whose personal vector is centered on the rational organization, responsible personification and conscious expansion of the being horizons. For a full empirical study of the meaning-life sphere of personality as a theoretical construct, world-view universalities and phenomenal pleroma (that is completeness, multiplicity) a number of techniques is used (the study of well-being, assertiveness, self-actualization), which allows to identify their relationship with the constituents of intentionality (constituent, cognitive, emotional and motivational, behavioral components) as an indicator of person’s meaning-life orientation. The obtained data allow us to reflexively evaluate the substantive traits-qualities of the person’s inner world, to qualitatively characterize the attributes of mental activity at the subject-individual level of his life, to interpret his perception peculiarities of the surrounding reality phenomena, and to predict his further ways and styles of life.


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How to Cite

Furman, Anatolii A. “Intentionality As an Essential Feature of the personality’s Meaning-Life Existence”. Psyhology & Society, no. 3-4, Dec. 2019, pp. 118-37,