Cascade of subjects vital game modeling


  • Oleh Khayrulin Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Humanities Institute of Ivan Chernyakhovsky National Defense University of Ukraine, Research correspondent of the Methodology and Education Research Institute of Ternopil National Economic University, Permanent author of the journal "Psychology and Society", Major-General of the reserve, Kyiv.



postmodern, uncertainty, game, game modeling, structural-functional matrix, communication


The existence of man in the modern reality of postmodern occurs as a series of interconnected work connotations. These connotations have a complex, multilevel subjective-centric nature, but essentially depend on the conditions for their implementation. The postmodern era is characterized by an increase in the manifold human development lines, by the continuous transformations of the incentives and motives of its activity, and by the high risk of manipulating consciousness. Modern media space is saturated with information. contains an unbalanced variety of meanings, images and patterns that destabilizes the mental ecology of personality and society. This provokes the spread of the social phenomenon “das Man”, creates the risks of mental reduction and regression of man. Such phenomena can negatively affect the socio-psychological and political pressures of society, increase the probability of various individual and social risks. In the conditions of postmodern, the defining attribute of human life is communication of all levels - from routine communication to mass, strategic communication. In this case, the productive communicative activity of the subject is based on the relevant principles, which are strategic, combinatory, critical, reflexive, practical, technical, situational, ecumenical and culturally significant content. Due to the peculiarities and paradoxes of the media space, the phenomenon of the game becomes important and functions of a separate matrix of communication. The game realized as a means of objectification the interests of the subject and the social group on the whole range of probable conditions and situations - from co-operative coexistence and solidarity to expressive confrontation, crisis and loss risks. The game appears as a theoretical construct and practical means of human activity in the postmodern environment, as a means of its effective counteraction to manipulation, external management of consciousness and action activity. The distribution of the effects of the game on small, medium and large social groups can lead to the consolidation and branching of the culture of co-operative, ecological co-existence of citizens in all external conditions, including competitive and conflict. As a third type of leading activity in the taxonomic tuple of such types, games phenomenon psychologically determines the success of the social functioning of modern humans. Under such conditions, the basis of the life of a modern person is game modeling as the implementation of a communicative-strategic cascade of appropriate means of the subject. The topography of the cascade includes the tops of the individual and socio-psychological space of the person: 1) the inner-subjective space-topos of the spiritual essence of man; 2) a topos of reflexive meanings and meanings of household, near-communication of the subject; 3) the topos of the accomplished activity of the subject as a person and 4) the topos of mass communication as the highest level of self-realization of man. The act of man is the passage of all elements as comprehension-mastering-management of the The communicative basis of human self-realization in the context of a communicative game is the triumvirate of existential universals, metaforms - Word, Image, Action, which implement an act of purposeful activity as a Deed. Any act of human activity unfolds through the structural and functional content of the cascade, which includes: a) the communicative culture of the subject; b) his communicative strategies; c) communicative tactics; and d) communicative acts. Types of communicative strategy (cooperative, cooperative-manipulative, conflict-manipulative and conflict) are forming significance of cascade realization. The quality of the game simulation of the subject’s life through the principles of application, means, capabilities and structural and functional content of his communicative-strategic cascade determines and determines the success of such life.


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How to Cite

Khayrulin, Oleh. “Cascade of Subjects Vital Game Modeling”. Psyhology & Society, vol. 76, no. 2, Aug. 2019, pp. 66-97,