Personality’s responsibility in the contexts of a life path and social everyday life: a psychological aspect


  • Arsen Lypka manager from administrative activity and master's degree from the management by social establishment, graduate student of department of psychology and social work of the Ternopil national economic university, Ternopil.



responsibility, levels of social responsibility, personality, life path, strategy of being, life situations, freedom of choice, social everyday life, activity, interiorization, exteriorization, deed, social maturity


The article analyzes accents of the problem of personality responsibility in domestic and modern psychology, covering its cognition through phenomenological approaches in the contexts of life path and social everyday life. In particular, the first is substantiated in the concepts of S. L. Rubinstein, K.O. Abulkhanova-Slavska, D.N. Uznadze, M.M. Bakhtin, V.A. Romenets, A.O. Rean, L.I. Dementiy, B.F. Lomov, I.A. Sahan and others, who advocate the idea that responsibility is determined by life events; reflects the ratio of personal motives, goals, means of life activity; is realized in each particular life situation in the trajectory of its individual being, which actualizes the ability to be responsible for the committed actions; appears in a time sweep - for the performed action, for what needs to be done, for this particular moment of life; interrelated with such categories as initiative, activity, strategy of life, freedom of will, duty, social necessity, life choices, etc.; thanks to it, a person achieves an individual and public purpose, becomes the subject of life activity, committing, etc.  The second approach is described by K.K. Platonov, K.K. Muzdybayev, I.S. Kon, M.V. Savchyn, V.I. Speranskiy, N.A. Minkina, O.Ye. Furman and others, who state the social nature of this phenomenon and consider responsibility as a criterion of the moral maturity of personality, the basis of his professionalism, the attribute of the mature act, the perfect personal act; it has also been proved that a social responsibility, together with personal one, forms the foundation of justice (N.A. Minkina). In general, responsibility is one of the most important qualities of personality, which integrates all of his mental functions, allows him to subjectively perceive the surrounding reality, emotionally treat a duty. It is also a moral feature of a person, who holds in himself conscious such as obligation, life position, independence, self-control, voluntariness, as well as freedom and creativity.


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How to Cite

Lypka, Arsen. “Personality’s Responsibility in the Contexts of a Life Path and Social Everyday Life: A Psychological Aspect”. Psyhology & Society, vol. 75, no. 1, June 2019, pp. 74-82,