Structural-functional model of artistic abilities formation


  • Oleh Tkacuk Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Decorative Arts and Graphics of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after KD Ushinskogo, Odesa.
  • Olena Polysayeva lecturer of the Department of Theory and Methodology of Decorative Arts and Graphics of the South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinskogo, Odesa.



modeling, model, creative personality, artistic abilities, ability, classification and stages of modeling


The article deals with general approaches concerning the study of methods of modeling a creative person, their classification, stages and an attempt to create a structural-functional model of interdependent formation of artistic abilities components. In particular, the principles of scientific modeling are analyzed, the content of concepts “model” and “modeling” is considered, the definition of general interpretation of the term “artistic abilities” is given. Phenomenologically indicated abilities are the complex synthetic quality of a specialist in combination with the individual psychological properties of his personality and persistent ability-skills in the professional implementation of fine art activity. Instead, artistic ability is a broader concept that covers the entire field of artist’s implementation of his professional functions and tasks at the creative stage of his work. The proposed author’s model creates an effective basis for considering the process of organizing the formation of future artist’s abilities during an ascent by a complex creative way of university education. The basic professional components, which are psychological factors of purposeful development of personality creative potential, are highlighted. It is noted that psychology of artistic creativity is a section of psychology of an art, the subject field of which includes the study of regularities of upbringing process and the aesthetic development of personality, the perception and understanding of works of art by people, on the one hand, and the direct process of psycho-spiritual creation of artistic works by the artist – on the other. It is obvious that the artist, creating an objective work of art, remains the subject of his perception, emotionally and even sensually passionately reacting to it, which conflicts with his personal and thus stimulates the creative individual one growth.


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How to Cite

Tkacuk, Oleh, and Olena Polysayeva. “Structural-Functional Model of Artistic Abilities Formation”. Psyhology & Society, no. 1-2, Mar. 2019, pp. 187-94,