Typologization of personality in the context of the crisis of social reforms


  • Oleksandr Gubenko Candidate of Psychological Sciences, senior researcher of the Institute of Psychology named after GS Kostyuk NAUP of Ukraine, Kyiv




аnomic frustrations, social norm, theory of anomic frustrations of Durkheim and Merton, crisis of social norms


The article informs about the problem of the normative crisis in society. In particular, there is analyzed the contradiction between formal and informal public rate, and consequences, resulting thereof contradictions for behavior of the people. For analysis of the problem is attracted the theory of anomic frustrations of  Durkheim and Merton. The article is researched the anomic breaches and there are considered types of personalities, forming under influence these social anomalies. In particular, there is analyzed such types of personalities as “underground man”, “trickster” and some other. It is indicated on need of preventions some deviations of social behavior.


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How to Cite

Gubenko, Oleksandr. “Typologization of Personality in the Context of the Crisis of Social Reforms”. Psyhology & Society, no. 2, Mar. 2019, pp. 119-26, https://doi.org/10.35774/pis2017.02.119.