Personal maturity in form manifestation of value orientation


  • Yuriy Maksymenko Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of General and Differential Psychology of the South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after KD Ushinskogo, Odesa



axiosphere, vitacultural environment, act of self-realization, mature personality, self-creation, self-awareness, value-oriented personality, value-semantic space for self-development


The need for analytical reflection of new research in the field of personal maturity formation caused by the release of the monograph of A.A. Furman, which is devoted to theoretical and methodological bases conceptual foundations of value-oriented of personality through its self-design her life and finding own ideological position. The human in the situational context of the present arrangement becomes a hostage of material life which becomes global scale, so the problem of formation of socially approved claims and spiritual values of the subject today is very relevant. In the model by-sphere’s organization of individuality axiosphere is intermediate between subject and installations attitudes, needs, motivational and behavioral areas, a system of personal meanings and their reflexive processing, thereby providing synergistic unity and harmonization becoming all the components of the personal world of man. Value-oriented personality effectively uses natural potential in developing themselves and the surrounding reality, successfully uses its own resources to hold his fate, given the demands of social public, perceives the world as a given and simultaneously animates and enriches his own power in acts of cognition, creativity and self-creation.


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How to Cite

Maksymenko, Yuriy. “Personal Maturity in Form Manifestation of Value Orientation”. Psyhology & Society, no. 1, Mar. 2019, pp. 133-8,