Reflexive organization of decision-making process in youth




subject, cognition, reflexive activity


The article considers reflection as a complex multi-aspect phenomenon, which is described from the conceptual positions of various theoretical approaches that causes different quality of filling its category-conceptual content and ambiguous certainty of place in the system of psychological knowledge. The phenomenological complexity of a structural-functional organization of reflexive activity objectively causes difficulties in determining its qualitative filling-with-content and specificity. It is proved that reflection can be described as the ability of a person to realize, and therefore to organize and regulate his own mental processes, states, properties, tendencies, and as a complexly structured psycho-conscious process, and as an integral mental property, and as a metastate, that is, as a superstate, the meaning of which is in awareness and subsequent possibility of the personality’s regulation of his own psycho-spiritual states. It is argued that the development of reflexive issues in the field of national education acquires special importance. The use of various training reflexive practices contributes to the development of creative reflexivity, which is an important component of personality’s creative in-depth self-cognition and self-construction. One of the universal socio-psychological forms of a specific-practical organization of parity educational activity in high school, which ensures the full-fledged development of reflection, is the model of a full functional cycle of the educational module proposed by A.V. Furman. Analysis of the information-cognitive period of modular-developmental education indicates a significant development of reflexive components in the search cognitive activity of high school students and students, which contributes to the intensive formation of such an important personality’s property as the ability to make decisions independently. It has been substantiated that reflexive organization of the decision-making process in an educational problem situation contains the following stages: a) subject-operational movement-advance of thought in the process of finding a solution-removal of the problem situation; b) reflexive-subject transformation of an educational problem situation; c) activation of the need for understanding and rethinking of educational-cognitive tasks and educational assignments; d) active self-restructuring of the inner world of a subject, associated with the exit to a reflexive position and deciding to act.

Author Biographies

  • Jaroslava Buherko

    Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Docent, Docent of the Psychology and Social Work Department of West Ukrainian National University, permanent author of the  “Psychology and Society” Journal, Ternopil.

    ORCID: 0000-0002-9138-5350

    ResearcherID: G-6144-2017

  • Dina Kuzmynska

    Head of the Department of Specialized Secondary Education with a Professional Focus, Lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology, and Specific Me­thods at the Vinnytsia Humanitarian-Pedagogical College, Graduate Student at the Department of Psychology and Social Work of West Ukrainian National University, Vinnytsia –Ternopil.


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How to Cite

Buherko , Jaroslava, and Dina Kuzmynska. “Reflexive Organization of Decision-Making Process in Youth ”. Psyhology & Society, vol. 90, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 147-56,