Relationship between value-oriented and motivational spheres of personality


  • Yuliia Karpiuk Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Docent of the General and Clinical Psychology Department of Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk, Ivano-Frankivsk. ORCID: 0000-0001-6602-4302



axiological psychology, being, value, morality, motives, personality, value orientation


The article deals with reflexive analysis of the peculiarities of the correlation of the components of value-orientation and motivational spheres of man. The formation of the individual as a full member and co-creator of the surrounding reality is characterized by a stable system of internal motives – motivational aspirations, taking into account social requirements and a personified system of values. The result of the interaction between man and the world is the discovery of a person’s synthesized expression of cost priorities or clear orientations and motives on the path to self-improvement. The complex and multi-faceted structure of value-orientation and motivational components of the individual involves a conscious progression to the implementation of a significant number of strategies, principles, criteria and parameters of their research. Therefore, it is expedient to use a systematic approach to the knowledge of the value orientations of man in the relationship of his personality and social guidance, creating a motivational field of its activity. On the basis of empirical search, types of value-motivational profile of respondents were distinguished: progressive, regressive, impulsive, expressive, trivial. It is proved that value orientations of a person are formed under the influence of conscious choice of cost priorities and are manifested in the through motive of committing. Valuable orientations are the basis for realizing the personality of rational choice of approaches and principles in achieving positive (from the evaluative positions of the person himself) results of his actions, whereas the process or procedure of this choice is based on the motives that determine the tools (means, forms, mechanisms and methods) of direct activity . Personality is guided by the choice of strategies for self-improvement, mainly by a system of values, which, transforming into a person’s value orientations, produce its motives-the desire for full self-realization under the actual conditions of situational everyday life.


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How to Cite

Karpiuk, Yuliia. “Relationship Between Value-Oriented and Motivational Spheres of Personality”. Psyhology & Society, no. 2, Nov. 2021, pp. 169-76,

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