An updated outlook map of being, understood in social and personal dimensions


  • Anatoliy V. Furman doctor of psychological sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine, head of the psychology and social work department of Ternopil National Economic University, head of PO “Intellectual Headquarters of Civil Society”, co-chair of the Regional Branch of the Sociological Association of Ukraine, member of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine, Colonel-General of Ukrainian and foreign Cossacks, editor-in-chief of the Psychology and Society journal, Ternopil
  • Anatoliy Dovhan doctor of philosophy, professor, professor of the Ukrainian studies and philosophy department of Ternopil National Technical University named after I. Puliyi, Ternopil



metaphysics, being, human, society, personality, the primary basis (roots, origin), principle, substance, material, spiritual, theory, paradigm


The article contains critical and at the same time constructive material derived from reflections and generalizations, inspired by the monograph of the famous Ukrainian philosopher and psychologist Volodymyr Sabadukha, “Metaphysics of social and personal being” (2019). It is devoted to the reflexive coverage of the historically rational and anthropologically centered study of the basic principles of human life in the context of the global crisis of human development, implements the principles and norms of the four-stage spiritual hierarchy principle of human (dependent person, average person, personality, genius) offering a metaphysical theory of personality and an author’s paradigmatic approach to the development of a person and society as a response to global challenges and to understanding the philosophical positions of personalism and the role of metaphysical and conceptual characters in the conditions of the fracture-transition of impersonal existence. It is proved that the basic principles of social existence are the priorities of the spiritual over the material and personality over the mass of human. At the same time, the contemporary dominance in the philosophical and social consciousness of the impersonal paradigm of being over the personal is argued, which has a basis and certain prospects for establishing itself in the future. The author of the monograph makes the delimitation of human species on the basis of the methodologem application of the everyday life of society and human division into spiritual and material. And already on the basis of interpretation of the content of these two modes of being the author differentiates the four main types of human – dependent, mediocre, personality, genius. It is substantiated that any human knowledge should be subordinated to the spiritual self-realization of human, and not to the development of the consumption sphere, benefits, and social habitation. In addition, the author formulated the conceptual foundations of the ideology of personalism, which requires from the philosophers to return the priority of personal position in society and responsibility for the ideological value of their thoughts, generalizations, and texts. In general, the presented monograph reconstructs the philosophically mature research strategy of the social-humanities sciences, and changes its generally accepted methodological optics.


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How to Cite

Furman, Anatoliy V., and Anatoliy Dovhan. “An Updated Outlook Map of Being, Understood in Social and Personal Dimensions”. Psyhology & Society, no. 3-4, Dec. 2019, pp. 148-56,