A worldview ratio with the structural components of a personality


  • Ivan Titov candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, associate professor of department of psychology of the Poltava national pedagogical university of the named V.G. Korolenko, Poltava. http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5529-1568




personality, worldview, life choice, life task, life strategy, individual lifestyle


The article shows the problem of the worldview functional role in the structure of the personality. Its connection with the direction of a person, his cognitive component, component of experience, character and regulatory component is described. It is proved that in the structure of given direction of personality worldview ideals, principles and convictions, forming its highest level, provide hierarchy of motivational-value personal entities and enable the implementation of productive tactical and strategic life choices on this basis by a human. Also it is argued that the connection of worldview with a cognitive sphere of personality is manifested when solving his life tasks, where ideological structures mediate the development of a cognitive relation to a specific task, participate in the implementation of metacognitive regulation of the process of its solution and enable the implementation of the decision taken in the life strategy. It was emphasized that ideological beliefs also present a value-semantic basis of strategic goal-setting and conscious self-regulation, ensuring the transfer of the contents of everyday experience to the specific structure of the projected life program and defining a range of possible variants of its implementation. Finally, it is stated that the fact that the personality determinations concerning the significant objects or phenomena of reality, which predetermines the formation and realization of the individual style and the corresponding variant of life, is associated with his character, which is the expression of a certain type of his ideological attitude towards life flow.


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How to Cite

Titov, Ivan. “A Worldview Ratio With the Structural Components of a Personality”. Psyhology & Society, vol. 75, no. 1, June 2019, pp. 60-66, https://doi.org/10.35774/pis2019.01.060.