Education of students’ creative abilities


  • Volodymyr Romenets doctor of psychological sciences, professor, academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, winner of the APS of Ukraine named after M. Maksymovych, and G. Chelpanov, Russian Academy of Education, historian and theorist of psychology, thinker, author of the theory of action, Kyiv.



roblem of creativity, psychology as a science, youth and adolescence, institution of higher education, creative personality, genetic psychology of creativity, concept of creative intellect, transduction


One of the most urgent problems of higher education – the way to the scientific creativity of a future specialist is highlighted in the publications on psychological, scientific and educational positions. It is proposed a method of solving this problem, which covers effectively four research clicks of the author’s theoretical search: the problem, subject and possibilities of the psychology of creativity as a new disciplinary direction of psychological science development are described, and the meaning of creativity is substantiated; then it is considered the motivated step-by-step inclusion, from the surprise and interest to the ideal of the scientist and to the internal impulse burst of a young person into an extremely complex for the multidisciplinary depth and into an intelligence sphere of science on the one hand, and in the case of proper mastering of its forms, methods, procedures of skillful combination in the personal research activity of theorizing and experimentation, categorization and factualization, interpretation and objectification, actualization of the theoretical consciousness  potential and the use of resource abilities of practical intelligence on the other; further it is showed a detailed psycho didactic picture of formation the university youth’s ability to the scientific creativity, which contains conceptual, diagnostic, psycho development and purely pedagogical aspects of optimizing conditions and peculiarities of the creative process, and reveals the sequence of the most important forms of students’ scientific research, such as the compilation of bibliography, the recognition of primary sources, the scientific problem nomination and its argumentation, the preparation of plan and studying program, the methodology choice and hypothesis disclosure, the presentation of theoretical and experimental data; finally, it is analyzed mechanisms of the social experience transferring and the development of creative abilities in the system of “teacher-student”, where the first one is an alive open laboratory of invention thoughts, while the second not only assigns the image of teacher’s thoughts, but also becomes original in his peculiarity to see the problems independently and to find the ways to solve them. Thus, the author’s click of theoretical creativity is disclosed by the logical-structural scheme of acting in its situational, motivational, active and after-action components or self-formation lines, which clearly characterize the complete self-development cycle of personal maturity and unique personality of the author-creator. Filling his own creative way of life by the creative content and creating a perfect product of theoretical creativity – a kind of psychological grammar for educating young people’s creative abilities, he reflexively programs the situation of inspiration to creativity and entry into the semantic field of text fragments reinterpretation of everyone who dare to embody the intention to master the content of this solid scientific work. Here the reader will also find tips on how to combine optimally the theoretical and practical aspects of search work, the originality and communication in the bosom of transduction (inter-transitive) shifts from subjective-psychic to material and vice versa, how to achieve a categorical study plan has transformed into the real plan of investigated events in order to originate and strengthen the ability to see the problems and to interpret the research stages of the creative process development, at last, how to put a scientific experiment, to study the received experiment data and to formulate theoretical conclusions. This proposed edition is intended for teachers and students of higher education institutions of all specialties and for future specialists of sociological professions – psychologists, social workers, teachers, lawyers, politicians, managers, health workers, clerics, as well as Ukrainian youth who aspires to socially useful creative activity and personal realization of their own abilities and talents in the field of chosen profession. 



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How to Cite

Romenets, Volodymyr. “Education of students’ Creative Abilities”. Psyhology & Society, no. 3-4, Mar. 2019, pp. 178-23,