Development of a psychologist’s professional consciousness: from the concept of A.M. Leontiev to the author’s model


  • Nataliya Shevchenko Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Zaporizhzhya National University, Zaporizhzhya. ORCID: 0000-0002-5297-6588



consciousness, professional consciousness of practical psychologist, professional meanings, professional senses, personal senses, sensual content, functional levels of professional consciousness of specialist-psychologist


The article substantiates and presents the structural organization and the specifics of professional consciousness functioning of a practical psychologist. Professional consciousness is interpreted as an important category that reflects the essence of the process of professional formation and personal development of a person as a subject of public relations. In the author’s approach, the methodological basis of which is the concept of consciousness of O. M. Leontyev, professional consciousness is considered within the unity of three components – meaning, sense, sensual tissue. The content filling of the professional consciousness structure has been determined. As a form of consciousness of a personality, professional consciousness does not form the meaning in general, but the conceptual-categorical apparatus of the sphere of knowledge belonging to a certain profession. It also forms professional senses that are expressed in professional motives, interests that are manifested in the formulation of professional goals. Sensual tissue as a component of professional consciousness is characterized by the peculiarity of perception of reality by the profession subject. The content filling of the three-component structure of a practical psychologist’s professional consciousness has been presented. The structure covers the interpenetration of personal and purely professional conditions, namely: meanings expressed by psychological concepts and categories; senses embodied in the interests, motives and purposes of professional activity of a practical psychologist; sensual tissue, which is characterized by a peculiarity of reality perception in the area of professional interaction “Client – Psychologist”. It is proved that the functioning of professional consciousness of a practical psychologist occurs through the realization of three leading processes: understanding, interpretation, objectification. Specifics of functioning of indicated consciousness has been characterized. Its functioning occurs on three levels: understanding of the request and logic of the customer’s life activity, that is, reproducing the image of his life with all the symptoms and specifics; the interpretation of the client’s world of life is a creative mental action, based on its own independent interpretation by a specialist of the psychological features of the client (first of all, a way of life, a system of values, patterns of behavior); objecting the specificity of the client’s request with the help of professional knowledge - the mediation of all material, the realization of the generating function of consciousness.


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How to Cite

Shevchenko, Nataliya. “Development of a psychologist’s Professional Consciousness: From the Concept of A.M. Leontiev to the author’s Model”. Psyhology & Society, no. 3-4, Mar. 2019, pp. 103-11,