Psychological theory of personality H.O. Ball


  • Valentyn Rybalka a doctor of psychological sciences, a professor, a leading researcher at the Department of Labor Psychology at the Institute of Pedagogical Education and Adult Education of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, a permanent author of the journal Psychology and Society, Kyiv



ratiohumanistic approach, culture, personality, personal orientations, interpersonal dialogue


The article deals with theoretical views of Prof. H.O. Ball on the personality that he formed in collaboration with prominent psychologists of the then USSR, Ukraine, Russia, the USA and other countries. Ratiohumanistic psychology is being developed and embodied into the life of H.O. Ball in scientific creativity with numerous colleagues, successors and students. The author of this article considers himself to the number of the last who felt the humanistic influence of Heorhiy Oleksiyovych as a scientific consultant and also summed up the achievements of several decades of creative communication with the prominent Ukrainian Scientist and Intelligent. It is noted that world-view and methodological basis of understanding by H.O. Ball personality was the principle of rationalism, which is an important prerequisite for successful development and positive influence on the social practice of psychological science.


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How to Cite

Rybalka, Valentyn. “Psychological Theory of Personality H.O. Ball”. Psyhology & Society, no. 2, Mar. 2019, pp. 104-18,